Olivine logo

Styles demo

This page shows the basic styles and features of the theme.

Text demo

The above section is a <h2> element. Here are some lower-level sections.

This is a subsection

Some random text inside the <h3> element.

This is a subsubsection

Some other random text inside the <h4> element. Anything below this is not very useful in my opinion.

Here are some numbered and bulleted lists.

Links can be created using the Markdown syntax [link name](link url).

  1. Here is an external link to the Github repository.
  2. Here is an internal link to documentation page.
  3. We can also link to sections like Text demo, which is this section.

There is also a feature of creating a link to a tag. #olivine Note that this is a one-sided link, meaning that including this link does not make this page have this tag. This is implemented as a shortcode.

{{ tag(name="olivine") }}

Tables and images

Here are some physical properties of minerals.

MineralChemical compositionMelting temperature
ObsidianSiO₂, MgO, Fe₃O₄700–900℃